Charcoal Huts Shortlisted for Design Awards
The Charcoal Huts Shortlisted for Council Design Awards

We are thrilled to announce that our off-grid holiday lets, The Charcoal Huts, have been
shortlisted for Argyll and Bute Council’s 2023 Built Environment Design Awards.
These awards recognise, promote and celebrate examples of exceptional design and sustainability across the whole of the Argyll and Bute Council planning area. The Huts have been shortlisted in both the ‘Sustainable Design’ and ‘Under £100k’ categories, which is a
great achievement considering the volume and quality of entries this year.
We’re delighted that they have been recognised for bringing a truly sustainable but well-designed offering into the eco-holiday letting sector and we hope this will help us to promote the Huts and generate more income that we can reinvest into our community forest activities.
Now we need your help. There’s a public vote for a ‘People’s Choice’ award and we’d really appreciate it if you could vote for the Charcoal Huts as your favourite on the Invest in Argyll and Bute website - Design Awards - Invest in Argyll (
It’s a super quick, one-click process and voting closes on 15 May 2023! Thanks for your support!