Our Story
Bute Forest is owned by Bute Community Land Company, a locally controlled and managed charitable organisation with over 450 members.
To become a full member with voting rights you must be on the electoral register on the Isle of Bute. Download a Membership Application Form
You can also become a Junior Member (ages 14- 17) or an Associate Member (if you are not on the electoral register on the Isle of Bute).
Our History
In 2009, 93% of 2739 people (52% of the eligible population) voted in favour of purchasing the forest at the north end of the island and created a record for the largest community-vote! They felt strongly that the forest should be managed environmentally, with clear felling avoided if possible, new jobs created and better recreational facilities developed for local people and to attract new visitors to the island. Bute Forest is the largest community buy-out of privately owned land in Scotland.
The goal is to manage the Community Forest in a responsible and environmentally sensitive way, to increase environmental education and to enable greater access to the Forest by residents and visitors.
Bute Community Land Company created a subsidiary to manage the forest in 2010. This subsidiary is now dormant.