Carbon Rewild Report
In Autumn last year we were contacted by Carbon Rewild about an exciting opportunity. Carbon Rewild are an organisation that focus on using bioacoustics to survey wildlife and chose the community forest to trial some of their new technologies.
This is an exciting advance in the wildlife surveying as the small recording devices can be installed and will record all bird song for 28 days which is then sent away to be analysed by a computer and then verified by eager ornithologists (the fancy term for people who study birds).
Our ranger Samuel installed three of these devises and you can see the report from Carbon Rewild here.
Bute Forest Bird Bioacoustic Report - December 2022
Walking the woods there are some species of bird you will come across but it's when you start to learn to recognise their calls you realise just what's about! If you'd like to learn more about the birds of the woodland why not check out out Birds in the Woods Trail in Balnakailly Woodland where this survey took place.